2 Koningen 4:31



31 Gehazi nu was voor hun aangezicht doorgegaan; en hij legde den staf op het aangezicht van den jongen; doch er was geen stem, noch opmerking. Zo keerde hij weder hem tegemoet, en bracht hem boodschap, zeggende: De jongen is niet ontwaakt.


Par Henry MacLagan

Verse 31. But the natural man first co-operates, and acknowledges that the doctrine of the Divine Human as to good is primary in religion, and that this is the teaching of the genuine sense of the letter of the Word. Still there is, as yet, no full reception of truth or of goodness and thus no genuine life; wherefore a change of state follows, involving the reciprocal conjunction of the natural with the spiritual man, and the confession that the Divine Human is not realized in the former apart from the latter.