

Što Biblija kaže o... Tko je spašen?

Par John Odhner (Traduit en Hrvatski)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view

Kod ljudi postoji uobičajena sklonost stvaranju negativnih sudova o drugim ljudima. U srednjim školama ta se tendencija očituje u klikama. Nekoliko popularnih klinaca uđe u grupu i postupno počnu misliti da su bolji od drugih jer ih se više voli. Djeca koja nisu "in" mogu postati objekti sažaljenja, prezira ili čak okrutnih šala. Na ovaj ili onaj način klika suptilno prosuđuje druge kao nižu klasu ljudskih bića.

Ista sklonost gledanju s prezirom na druge pokazuje se u raznim religijama. Neke vjerske skupine postanu toliko egocentrične da vjeruju da nitko druge vjere ne može ići u raj. Kad se dovede do krajnosti, ovakav stav je daleko okrutniji od snobovske tinejdžerske klike.

Učenja Biblije prilično su suprotna ovome. Za početak, Božja nam Riječ govori da ne bismo trebali označavati ljude kao "spašene" ili "grešne". Isus je rekao,

"Ne sudite da ne budete osuđeni. Zašto gledaš trun u oku brata svoga, a brvna u oku svome ne promatraš?" (Matej 7:1, 3)

Učenik Jakov je to ovako izrazio: "Jedan je Zakonodavac koji može spasiti i uništiti. Tko si ti da sudiš drugome?" (Jakovljeva 4:1)

Dok je Gospodin bio na zemlji, među vođama crkve prevladavao je osuđujući stav. Mnogi su mislili da će Mesija, kada dođe, spasiti Židove, a ne druge. Kad je Isus došao, osudili su ga što se družio s nežidovima i sa Židovima.

Isus je obeshrabrio takav stav. Jednom je razgovarao s nekim ljudima koji su "vjerovali u sebe" da su spašeni, a drugi nisu. Zamolio ih je da razmotre dvije molitve: "Bože, zahvaljujem ti što nisam kao drugi ljudi" i "Bože, budi milostiv meni grešniku!" Isus je pohvalio čovjeka koji je mislio da je grešnik. (Luka 18:9-14)

Bolje je misliti o sebi da si grešnik nego misliti da si spašen.

Možda se sjećate i prispodobe o milosrdnom Samaritancu koji je stao pomoći ranjenom čovjeku pokraj ceste. Iako je taj Samarijanac bio "pogrešne" vjere (sa židovske strane), Isus je rekao da Samarijanca treba voljeti kao bližnjega, jer je bio dobar čovjek. Zapravo, rekao je da osoba koja želi vječni život treba biti poput ovog Samarijanca (Luka 10:29-37), iako Samaritanac nije bio ni kršćanin ni Židov. Isus je vidio – i vidi – što je u nečijem srcu, a ne samo kojoj crkvi pripada.

Biblija jasno kaže da način na koji osoba živi, a ne samo ono u što vjeruje, određuje hoće li ići u raj ili ne. Isus je rekao: "Neće svaki koji mi govori: 'Gospodine, Gospodine' ući u kraljevstvo nebesko, nego onaj koji vrši volju Oca mojega koji je na nebesima." (Matej 7:21)

Opet, "On će nagraditi svakoga prema njegovim djelima." (Matej 16:27)

"Oni koji su činili dobro", kaže On, ići će "u uskrsnuće života, a oni koji su činili zlo, u uskrsnuće osude." (Ivan 5:29)

Budući da čovjekov život, a ne samo njegova vjera, određuje njegovu vječnu sudbinu, Isus je prorekao da mnogi kršćani neće biti spašeni, jer su živjeli zao život.

„Mnogi će Mi reći u onaj dan: 'Gospodine, Gospodine, nismo li u tvoje ime prorokovali, tvojim imenom zloduhe izgonili i tvojim imenom čudesa mnoga činili?' I tada ću im izjaviti: 'Nikada vas nisam poznavao; odstupite od Mene vi koji činite bezakonje!'" (Matej 7:22-23, Luka 13:25-27)

Jedan od razloga zašto nekršćanin može biti spašen je da može voljeti svog bližnjeg. Svatko tko istinski ljubi svoga bližnjega voli i Krista, iako to možda ne shvaća. Isus je rekao: "Budući da ste poslužili jednom od ove Moje najmanje braće, Meni ste to učinili." (Matej 25:40)

Vjera u Isusa, bez ljubavi prema bližnjemu je besmislena.

"Iako imam svu vjeru, da bih mogao i planine premještati, ali ljubavi nemam, ništa sam." (1 Korinćanima 13:2)

Prava je ljubav, s druge strane, znak da čovjek poznaje Gospodina u svom srcu, bez obzira na vjeru koju izvana ispovijeda.

"Ljubav vjeruje svemu." (1 Korinćanima 13,7)

"Tko čini dobro, od Boga je, a tko čini zlo, Boga nije vidio." (3 Ivan 1:11)

"Ljubimo jedni druge, jer ljubav je od Boga i svaki koji ljubi od Boga je rođen i Boga poznaje. Bog je ljubav i tko ostaje u ljubavi, u Bogu ostaje i Bog u njemu." (1 Ivan 4:7-11)


Neke kršćanske crkve ovo uče: Samo su kršćani spašeni.

Što Biblija zapravo kaže (i što Nova kršćanska crkva uči): Dobri ljudi iz svih religija su spašeni.

Neke reference iz učenja za Novu kršćansku crkvu: Nebo i Pakao 318-328, Bozanska Promisao 326

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Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Divine Providence #326

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326. We need to look at these one at a time and expand on them.

(a) Belief in God brings about God's union with us and our union with God; and denial of God brings about severance. Some may believe that people who do not believe in God can be saved just like people who do, provided they lead moral lives. "What does belief accomplish?" they say. "Is it anything but a thought? I could easily believe in God if I knew for certain that God actually existed. I have heard about him, but I haven't seen him. Show me, and I'll believe." Many people who deny the existence of God talk like this when they are given space to argue freely with someone who does believe in God.

But I shall illustrate the fact that belief in God unites and denial of God separates by sharing what I have learned in the spiritual world. If people there think about others and want to talk with them, they are immediately present. This is taken for granted there and never fails. The reason is that there is no distance in the spiritual world the way there is in this physical world, but only an appearance of distance.

[2] Then too, just as thinking about others, together with some awareness of them, causes presence, so a feeling of love for them causes union. This is what makes people accompany each other and converse amiably along the way, live in the same houses or in the same community, meet with each other often, and work on tasks together. The opposite happens, too, if people do not love each other, and even more so if they dislike each other. They do not see each other or get together. They are as far from each other as their lack of love or their active dislike. If by any chance they do meet, that meeting triggers the dislike, and they vanish.

[3] These few examples show what makes for presence and what makes for union in the spiritual world. Specifically, presence comes from remembering others and wanting to see them, and union comes from a feeling that arises from our love.

The same holds true for everything in our minds. There are countless elements there, all arranged and united in accord with our feelings, or the way one element loves another.

[4] This union is spiritual union; and it works the same in widely inclusive instances and in individual ones. The source of this spiritual union is in the union of the Lord with the spiritual world and with the physical world, again in inclusive and in individual instances. We can see, then, that to the extent that we believe in the Lord and think about him on the basis of what we understand, the Lord is present, while to the extent that we believe in him on the basis of a loving feeling, the Lord is united with us. Conversely, to the extent that we do not believe in the Lord, the Lord is absent; and to the extent that we deny him, we are separated from him.

[5] A result of union is that the Lord turns our faces toward him and then leads us; and a result of separation is that hell turns our faces toward it and leads us. So all the angels of heaven face toward the Lord as the sun, and all the spirits of hell face away from the Lord. This shows what belief in God does and what denial of God does.

Further, people who deny God in the world deny him after death. They are inwardly structured as described in 319; and the structure adopted in this world remains forever.

[6] (b) Our belief in God and union with him depend on our living a good life. Everyone who knows anything religious can know about God. People can talk about God from this knowledge or from memory, and some of them can even think intelligently about God. If they do not live good lives, though, this brings only a presence. They are still perfectly capable of turning away from him and turning toward hell, which they do if they live evil lives.

Heartfelt belief in God, though, is possible only for people who live good lives. Depending on those good lives, the Lord turns them away from hell and toward himself. This is because it is only they who actually love God. They love the divine values that come from him by living them. The divine values that come from God are the commandments of his law. These commandments are God, since he is the divine nature that emanates from him. This is also loving God, which is why the Lord said, "Whoever does my commandments is the one who loves me, but whoever does not do my commandments does not love me" (John 14:21-24 [John 14:21, 24]).

[7] This is why there are two tablets of the Ten Commandments, one for God and the other for us. God is constantly at work to enable us to accept the things that are on his tablet. However, if we do not do the things that are on our tablet, we are not open to the heartfelt acceptance of the things that are on God's tablet; and if we are not open to them, we are not united. As a result, the two tablets are united as a single one and are called "the tablets of the covenant," and "covenant" means "union."

The reason our belief in God and union with him depend on our living good lives is that good lives are like the goodness that is in the Lord and that therefore comes from the Lord. So when we are engaged in living good lives, the union is accomplished. The opposite happens with people living evil lives. Then there is a rejection of the Lord.

[8] (c) A good life, or living rightly, is abstaining from evils because they are against our religion and therefore against God. There is ample support for the proposition that this is a good life, or living rightly, in Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem, from beginning to end. I would add only this, that if you do all the good you can, if you build churches and decorate and fill them with your offerings, if you devote your wealth to hospitals and hospices, if you give alms every day, if you help widows and orphans, if you faithfully attend divine worship, even if you think, talk, and preach about these things in all apparent sincerity, and still do not abstain from evils as sins against God, all these good deeds are not really good at all. They are either hypocritical or self-serving, because there is still evil within them. Our life is in absolutely everything that we do, and good deeds become good only by the removal of evil from them.

We can see from this that abstaining from evils because they are against our religion and therefore against God is leading a good life.

[9] (d) These are the general principles of all religions, through which everyone can be saved. Belief in God and refusal to do evil because it is against God are the two elements that make a religion a religion. If either is lacking, we cannot call it a religion, since believing in God and doing evil are mutually contradictory, as are doing what is good and not believing in God. Neither is possible apart from the other.

The Lord has provided that there should be some religion almost everywhere and that everyone who believes in God and does not do evil because it is against God should have a place in heaven. Heaven, seen in its entirety, looks like a single individual, whose life or soul is the Lord. In that heavenly person there are all the components that there are in a physical person, differing the way heavenly things differ from earthly ones.

[10] We know that there are within us not only the parts formed as organs from blood vessels and nerve fibers--the forms we call our viscera. There are also skin, membranes, tendons, cartilage, bones, nails, and teeth. They are less intensely alive than the organic forms, which they serve as ligaments, coverings, and supports. If there are to be all these elements in that heavenly person who is heaven, it cannot be made up of the people of one religion only. It needs people from many religions; so all the people who make these two universal principles of the church central to their own lives have a place in that heavenly person, that is, in heaven. They enjoy the happiness that suits their own nature. On this subject, though, there is more in 254 above.

[11] We are assured that these two principles are basic to every religion by the fact that these two principles are what the Ten Commandments teach, and they were the basis of the Word. They were given from Mount Sinai by the very voice of Jehovah and written on two tablets of stone by the finger of God. Then they were placed in the ark named for Jehovah and constituted the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle and the very center of the temple in Jerusalem. Everything else was holy simply by being there. We are told a great deal more about the Ten Commandments in the ark in the Word: see the passages collected in Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem 53-61, to which I may add the following.

We are told in the Word that the ark containing the two tablets with the commandments written on them was captured by the Philistines and set up in the shrine of Dagon in Ashdod. Dagon fell to the ground before it, after which his head and his hands were found lying apart from his body on the threshold of the shrine. Because of the ark, the people of Ashdod and Ekron by the thousands were plagued by hemorrhoids, and their land was ravaged by mice. Then, on the advice of their leaders, the Philistines made five golden hemorrhoids and five golden mice and a new cart. They put the ark on the cart with the golden hemorrhoids and mice beside it and sent the ark back to the Israelites drawn by two cows that lowed along the way, in front of the cart. The Israelites sacrificed the cows and the cart (1 Samuel 5, 6).

[12] Now let us see what all this means. The Philistines meant people who believe in faith separated from charity. Dagon portrayed that system of belief. The hemorrhoids that afflicted them meant earthly loves, which are unclean when they are separated from spiritual loves; and the mice meant the destruction of the church by distortions of the truth. The new cart on which they sent back the ark meant a new teaching, though on the earthly level, because a chariot in the Word meant a teaching derived from spiritual truths. The cows meant good earthly feelings, the golden hemorrhoids earthly loves purified and made good, and the golden mice the destruction of the church taken away by goodness (gold in the Word means what is good). The lowing of the cows along the way pointed to the difficulty of turning the obsessions with evil of our earthly self into good desires, and the sacrifice of the cows and the cart meant that the Lord was appeased.

[13] This is what this story means spiritually. Put it all together into a single meaning and see how it can be applied.

On the meaning of the Philistines as people who believe in faith separated from charity, see Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 49-54; and on the ark meaning the holiest values of the church because it contained the Ten Commandments, see Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem 53-61.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Divine Providence #254

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254. 1. Strict materialists justify their rejection of divine providence when they look at the religious practices of various peoples. There are some with no knowledge of God at all, some who worship the sun and the moon, some who worship images and statues. People who use this as a source of arguments against divine providence do not know the secrets of heaven, the innumerable secrets of heaven of which we know scarcely one. One of them is that we are not taught directly from heaven but indirectly (see 154-174 above). Since we are taught indirectly, and since the Gospel could not be brought to everyone in the whole world by missionaries, while some religion could be carried by various means even to people in the remote corners of the world, this has therefore been accomplished by divine providence. That is, people do not simply originate a religion by themselves, they learn from others (who learned it from the Word either directly or by transmission through others) that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell and a life after death, and that we must worship God in order to be blessed.

[2] On the way religion has been transplanted throughout the world from the ancient Word and then from the Israelite Word, see Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 101-103; and on the fact that if it were not for the Word no one would know about God, heaven and hell, or life after death, let alone about the Lord, see Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 114-118 of that work.

Once a religion has taken root, the Lord leads its people by the laws and principles of that religion. Further, the Lord makes sure that in every religion there are laws like those of the Ten Commandments, stating that we are to worship God, not to profane his name, to observe holy days, to honor our parents, not to murder, not to commit adultery, not to steal, and not to commit perjury. Any people that regards these laws as divine and lives by them because of its religion is saved, as stated in 253 above. Most of the peoples remote from Christianity regard these not as civil laws but as divine laws and keep them sacred. In Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem Drawn from the Ten Commandments, from beginning to end, it shows that we are saved by living according to these laws.

[3] Another of heaven's secrets is that in the Lord's sight the angelic heaven looks like a single person whose soul and life is the Lord, and that the form of this divine person is human in every respect, not only as to its outer members and organs but also as to its inner members and organs, which are abundant, and even as to its skin, membranes, cartilage, and bones. In this person, though, all these components are not material but spiritual; and the Lord has arranged that even people whom the Gospel has not reached, people who simply have some religion, can have a place in that divine person who is heaven. They can make up the parts we call skin, membranes, cartilage, and bones, and they are as full of heavenly joy as anyone else. It makes no difference whether their joy is like that of angels in the highest heaven or like that of angels in the lowest heaven, since all the people who get to heaven attain the highest joy of their hearts. They could not bear anything higher or they would suffocate.

[4] It is like a farmer and a king. A farmer can have his highest joy when he is dressed in new clothes of plain wool and sits down at a table where there is some pork, a joint of beef, some cheese, and some beer and mulled wine. He would be profoundly uncomfortable if he were dressed up like a king in purple, silk, gold, and silver and confronted with a table where there was a feast of all kinds of rich delicacies and fine wine. We can see, then, that there is heavenly happiness for the last as well as for the first, all on their own level. So there is happiness for people outside Christendom, if they simply abstain from evils as sins against God because evils are against their religion.

[5] There are a few people who know nothing whatever about God. You may see in Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 116 that if they have lived moral lives, after death they are taught by angels and accept something spiritual in their moral life. Much the same is true of people who worship the sun and the moon and believe that God is there. That is all they know, so it is not charged to them as a sin. After all, the Lord says "If you were blind," that is, if you did not know, "then you would have no sin" (John 9:41).

There are many people, though, who worship images and statues, even in the Christian world. This really is idolatry, but not for all of them. For some, the statues serve to awaken thoughts of God. It is from an inflow from heaven that people who believe in God want to see God; and since some of them cannot raise their minds above the sensory level the way deeper, spiritual people can, they awaken their thought with a statue or image. If people who do this are not worshiping the statue as God, and if they live by the laws of the Ten Commandments for religious reasons, they are saved.

[6] We can see from this that because the Lord wants to save everyone, he makes sure that all of us can have our places in heaven if we live well.

Heaven is like a single person in the Lord's sight, and therefore heaven corresponds to the human overall and in every detail, with people there who are equivalent to our skin, membranes, cartilages, and bones: see Heaven and Hell 59-102 (published in London in 1758) and Secrets of Heaven 5552-5564 [Secrets of Heaven 5552-5569], as well as 201-204 above.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.