Левит 16:21

पढाई करना


21 и като положи Аарон двете си ръце на главата на живия козел нека изповяда над него всичките беззакония на израилтяните, всичките им престъпления и всичките им грехове, и нека ги възложи на главата на козела; тогава да го изпрати в пустинята чрез определен човек;

इस श्लोक पर टीका  

द्वारा Henry MacLagan

Verse 21. And from his state of inmost good, with all the power of the will and understanding, he will perceive and confess that, as to the whole and every part, with regard to offences against the good of faith, against the truth of faith, and against holy charity itself, he is guilty; but that nevertheless he is enabled by the Lord to reject evil, and to separate it from himself, through the power of the Divine Human, to the hells from which it flows in.
