Melachim B 1:3

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3 ומלאך יהוה דבר אל אליה התשבי קום עלה לקראת מלאכי מלך שמרון ודבר אלהם המבלי אין אלהים בישראל אתם הלכים לדרש בבעל זבוב אלהי עקרון׃

इस श्लोक पर टीका  

द्वारा Henry MacLagan

Verse 3. Wherefore Divine Truth from Divine Love revealed in the Word of the Lord, leading the souls of men, drawing them, and dwelling in them, is elevated in the understanding of the corrupted man, and opposed to his falsities, dictating that the way of salvation ought to be sought for in the interior truth of the church, and not in the extreme falsities of faith alone which is barren and desolate.