신명기 4:40

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40 그런즉 너는 오늘날 상천 하지에 오직 여호와는 하나님이시요 ! 다른 신이 없는 줄을 알아 명심하고

इस श्लोक पर टीका  

द्वारा Alexander Payne

Verse 40. The whole duty of those who are regenerating, therefore, consists in regulating the life by His laws, and in everything obeying His will, as far as it is given to the soul to perceive it, in the state to which it has arrived, that it may go well with the man who is regenerating, and with all the desires and thoughts with which the soul shall be endowed, and that the fullness of his states of good and truth in the external mind may be amplified in the existence with which he will be endowed by the Divine Goodness and Wisdom in heaven for ever.