1 Královská 22:34



34 Muž pak jeden střelil z lučiště náhodou, a postřelil krále Izraelského, kdež se pancíř spojuje. Pročež řekl vozkovi svému: Obrať se a vyvez mne z vojska, nebo jsem nemocen.

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Da Henry MacLagan

Verse 34. While the man of the corrupted church, according to the operations of Divine Providence (in spite of outward professions), is attacked and injured by false reasonings, in favour of the natural man, since he is exposed to the enemy, where lack of conjunction exists between the internal and external man, as to interior and exterior defending truths. And the consequence is, that the doctrine, with its impelling affection, on. which he depends, is turned aside and shewn to be fallacious, since evil has gained the dominion in him.