Melachim A 20:7



7 ויקרא מלך ישראל לכל זקני הארץ ויאמר דעו נא וראו כי רעה זה מבקש כי שלח אלי לנשי ולבני ולכספי ולזהבי ולא מנעתי ממנו׃

Commento a questo verso  

Da Henry MacLagan

Verse 7. And therefore the governing power in the corrupted spiritual church, which is falsity from evil in the form of falsified truth, appeals to its leading false doctrines, or concretely, to persons in such doctrines, urging and shewing that the natural man is opposed to the so-called truths of the church, and this, too, notwithstanding that, inwardly, the corrupted church acknowledges its dominion.