列王記上 20:34



34 ベネハダデは彼に言った、「わたしの父が、あなたの父上から取った々は返します。またわたしの父がサマリヤに造ったように、あなたはダマスコに、あなたのために市場を設けなさい」。アハブは言った、「わたしはこの契約をもってあなたを帰らせましょう」。こうしてアハブは彼と契約を結び、彼を帰らせた。

Commento a questo verso  

Da Henry MacLagan

Verse 34. And hence the corrupted Natural is willing to conjoin itself with the corrupted Spiritual, not only by a common affection, but by a common perception as to interior falsities; while the corrupted Spiritual, will also reciprocally conjoin itself with the corrupted Natural by a common perception as to exterior falsities. And thus the corrupted internal is willing to have conjunction with, and set at liberty the corrupted external, which is actually effected.