列王記上 21:15



15 イゼベルはナボテが石で撃ち殺されたのを聞くとすぐ、アハブに言った、「立って、あのエズレルびとナボテが、あなたに金で譲ることを拒んだぶどう畑を取りなさい。ナボテは生きていません。死んだのです」。

Commento a questo verso  

Da Henry MacLagan

Verse 15. And by this doctrine the corrupted church is persuaded, that the doctrine of the New Church is truth falsified and rejected; and that, therefore, the true church is in its own possession; although the man of the New Church is not willing to admit that spiritual truth separated from charity is an equivalent for the life of charity conjoined with faith.