これは以下の翻訳です:Apocalypsis Explicata による Swedenborg, Emanuel
This exegesis of the "Book of Revelation" was drafted from 1757-1759, but wasn't finished. (Later, in 1766, Swedenborg tackled "Revelation" again, reworking and condensing, and published "Apocalypse Revealed".)
This exegesis of the "Book of Revelation" was drafted from 1757-1759, but wasn't finished. (Later, in 1766, Swedenborg tackled "Revelation" again, reworking and condensing, and published "Apocalypse Revealed".)
作成日: 1911-1912
クレジット: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.
著作権: Swedenborg Foundation
Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
ライセンス: Used with permission - 用語を見て下さい。
発行: 1911-1912 中 New York, NY, USA よって Swedenborg Foundation