Arcana Coelestia#1034

作者: エマニュエル・スウェデンボルグ


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1034. 'Never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood' means that men would not perish in the way that the final descendants of the Most Ancient Church had done. This is clear from what has been stated already about the people before the Flood who perished, that is, the people who were cut off by the waters of the flood. It has been shown already in 310 what the situation was - that the final descendants of the Most Ancient Church were such that when the will part of their minds had become corrupted, the understanding part had been simultaneously corrupted as well. Consequently the understanding part could not be separated from the will part and a new will be formed in the understanding part, since the two parts of their mind were knit together. Because this was foreseen provision was also made by the Lord that the understanding part with man could be separated from the will part and so be renewed. And because it was thus provided that no type of human being should afterwards arise like that people before the Flood, it is therefore said here that 'never again will any flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.