Arcana Coelestia

これは以下の原文です:Arcana Coelestia による Swedenborg, Emanuel


This work explains the inner meaning of Genesis and Exodus. Chapter overviews are underpinned by analysis of the symbolism of Bible words.


Hoc opus sensus interni Genesis et Exodi explicat. Explicationes capitum symboliso verborum Bibliorum.

作成者または翻訳者: Swedenborg, Emanuel

作成日: 1748-1756

クレジット: This is the Third Latin Edition, published by the Swedenborg Society, in London, between 1949 and 1973.

著作権: Swedenborg Society

Copyright 1949-1973. All rights reserved by the Swedenborg Society. Used here with permission.

ライセンス: Used with permission - 用語を見て下さい。

概要: The original (1st) Latin edition was published under Swedenborg's supervision, in eight volumes, between 1748 and 1756. There have been two major revisions: · The 2nd edition, published by J F I Tafel, between 1833-1842 · The 3rd edition published by the Swedenborg Society between 1949 and 1973. In addition, the author's autograph (manuscript) of volumes 2-8 was also published after Tafel's edition, but before the 3rd edition. The editors of the 3rd edition were therefore able to consult the manuscript as they worked. John Clowes who based his mid-1800s English translation on the 1st edition. J.F. Potts’s early 20th century translation is a revision of the Clowes translation. Potts, in his preface, says: The work commonly called Arcana Coelestia was originally published by Emanuel Swedenborg in London in the years 1749 to 1756. It was issued in eight large quarto “parts,” or volumes, and was written in Latin. In the original Latin the work was reprinted by Jo. Fr. Immanuel Tafel, librarian of the University of Tubingen, who issued the work in thirteen octavo volumes in the years 1833 to 1842. To this edition the editor added a carefully tabulated list of the errata that had occurred in the first edition, which are rather numerous, in consequence of the author, Swedenborg, whose residence was in Stockholm, having had no opportunity to revise the proof sheets. Potts, no doubt incorporated many of Tafel’s corrections, since he was obviously aware of them. Elliott’s translation is based on the 3rd Latin edition. The 3rd Latin edition is based on the 1st edition with corrections from the Autograph (a draft by Swedenborg) which was discovered after Tafel. The Autograph is significantly different from the published work. The preface points out that many of corrections made by Tafel are not found in the Autograph, and apparently were necessitated by errors made by the printer.



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