Divine Providence (Dole translation)

これは以下の翻訳です:De Divina Providentia による Swedenborg, Emanuel



How does one take a belief in a loving God and square that with the all too obvious evil in the world? Divine Providence offers a solid argument that allows for free will in human actions, and a Divine love that is always flowing towards us to work together in a way that makes sense.


Are we free? How does the Lord operate in our lives? How can we square a loving God with the obvious evil in the world? Here's how it works...

作成日: 2003

クレジット: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

著作権: Swedenborg Foundation

Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

ライセンス: Used with permission - 用語を見て下さい。

取得先: https://swedenborg.com/


発行: 2003 中 West Chester, PA, USA よって Swedenborg Foundation


Divine Providence. Translated. West Chester, PA, USA: Swedenborg Foundation, 2003. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
