Doctrine of the Lord#36

作者: エマニュエル・スウェデンボルグ


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36. Thus God became man, as in the firsts of creation, so also in the lasts of it. God is human, and every angel and spirit is human because God is human, as we showed several times in the book Heaven and Hell, and as we will show additionally in short works with the title Angelic Wisdom.

From the beginning, however, God was human in the firsts of creation, but not in the lasts of it. Not until after He took on a humanity in the world did He become also human in outmost expressions. This follows from the confirmatory passages above, confirming that the Lord united His humanity to His Divinity, and so made His humanity also Divine.

[2] It is because of this that the Lord is called the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, and the Alpha and the Omega, being called so in the book of Revelation:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, ” says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8, cf. 1:11)

When John saw the Son of man in the midst of the seven lampstands,

...(he) fell at His feet as though dead. But He laid His right hand on (him), saying..., “...I am the First and the Last....” (Revelation 1:13, 17, cf. 2:8, 21:6)

Behold, I am coming quickly..., to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. (Revelation 22:12-13)

And in Isaiah:

Thus says Jehovah, the King of Israel, and its Redeemer, Jehovah of Hosts: “I am the First and I am the Last....” (Isaiah 44:6, cf. 48:12)

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Published by the General Church of the New Jerusalem, 1100 Cathedral Road, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania 19009, U.S.A. A translation of Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino, by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688-1772. Translated from the Original Latin by N. Bruce Rogers. ISBN 9780945003687, Library of Congress Control Number: 2013954074.