これは以下の翻訳です:De Ultimo Judicio (post) による Swedenborg, Emanuel
This work, not published by Swedenborg, was a draft for the work entitled "Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio".
This manuscript was a draft for the published work, "A Continuation concerning the Last Judgment".
作成日: 1997
クレジット: Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.
著作権: General Church of the New Jerusalem
Copyright General Church of the New Jerusalem. All rights reserved.
ライセンス: Used with permission - 用語を見て下さい。
発行: 1997 中 Bryn Athyn, PA, USA よって General Church of the New Jerusalem 一部として 'Three Short Works