

Ivan 12:12-19 : Jesus' Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem (John)


12 Kad je sutradan silan svijet koji dođe na Blagdan čuo da Isus dolazi u Jeruzalem,

13 uze palmove grančice i iziđe mu u susret. Vikahu: "Hosana! Blagoslovljen Onaj koji dolazi u ime Gospodnje! Kralj Izraelov."

14 A Isus nađe magarčića i sjede na nj kao što je pisano:

15 Ne boj se, kćeri Sionska! Evo, kralj tvoj dolazi jašuć na mladetu magaričinu!

16 To učenici njegovi isprva ne razumješe. Ali pošto je Isus bio proslavljen, prisjetiše se da je to bilo o njemu napisano i da mu baš to učiniše.

17 Mnoštvo koje bijaše s njime kad Lazara pozva iz groba i uskrisi od mrtvih pronosilo je svjedočanstvo o tome.

18 Stoga mu je i izišao u susret silan svijet: pročulo se da je on učinio to znamenje.

19 Farizeji nato rekoše među sobom: "Vidite da ništa ne postižete. Eno, svijet ode za njim!"



Cvjetnica, iz Ivanova kuta – Da sam samo znao tada...

作者: Todd Beiswenger (Hrvatskiに翻訳されました)


Ovdje gledamo na Cvjetnicu kroz prizmu Evanđelja po Ivanu. Ivanova svrha je uvjeriti čitatelja da je Isus Bog, a kroz Evanđelje čujemo Ivanovo jadikovanje, koji želi da je tada znao ono što sada zna.

(参照: Nebeske Tajne 9212 [6]; Ivan 12:12-19; Psalam 118:26; Zaharija 9:9)



Arcana Coelestia#1728


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1728. 'And he was a priest' means the holiness of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'a priest' in the Word. Two special ways in which the Lord is characterized are as King and as Priest. A king or the office of king means holy truth, and a priest or the office of priest means holy good. The former is the Divine Spiritual, the latter the Divine Celestial. As King the Lord governs every single thing in the universe from Divine Truth; but as Priest He does so from Divine Good. Divine Truth is the order itself of His kingdom existing everywhere, all the laws of which are truths, or eternal verities. Divine Good is the very essential of order, every aspect of which is an expression of mercy. Both of these - Divine Good and Divine Truth - are attributed to the Lord. If solely Divine Truth were His, no mortal man could be saved, for truths condemn everyone to hell. But Divine Good, which is the essence of mercy, raises people up from hell towards heaven. Divine Truth and Divine Good are what kings and priests in the Jewish Church represented; and Melchizedek as king of Salem and priest to God Most High represented them too.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.