Deuteronomium 1:8



8 Ziet, Ik heb dat land gegeven voor uw aangezicht; gaat daarin, en bezit erfelijk het land, dat de HEERE aan uw vaderen, Abraham, Izak en Jakob gegeven heeft, dat Hij het hun en hun zaad na hen geven zou.

კომენტარი ამ ლექსზე  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 8. It is perceived that the Lord has placed the blessings of the heavenly life within reach of the soul that is regenerating. It is for man himself to work out his salvation, and to appropriate in his measure what has been provided by the Lord when He glorified His Divine Humanity (the Lord Jesus Christ) both as to the celestial, spiritual, and natural principles, and which is promised to those who follow Him in the regeneration (Apocalypse Explained 768). [Note.—For those who are unacquainted with the writings of Swedenborg it may be mentioned that the internal or spiritual meaning of the histories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as referring to the glorification of the Lord when incarnate on earth is elaborately unfolded in the "Arcana Coelestia."]