申命記 2:7
კომენტარი ამ ლექსზე
By Alexander Payne
Verse 7. For the goodness and wisdom of the Lord have been with the soul, blessing it with the means of obtaining these things. All its progress through states of apparent loss of goodness and truth have been under the Lord's providence. His love and wisdom have been with it in all its temptations, and it has lost no really good thing. [Note (verses 1-7).—This somewhat obscure passage seems to describe how the soul in the earlier stages of regeneration is brought into contact with the apparent integrity and benevolence which exist in the world from such motives as the fear of the law, love of approbation, etc. The soul cannot be regenerated in such states which are not spiritual; but the goods and maxims practised from such states may be added to the spiritual character, and may finally become celestial by being practised from the genuine love of goodness infused into the soul by the Lord.]
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