1 Kings 1:19



19 καί-C θυσιάζω-VAI-AAI3S μόσχος-N2--APM καί-C ἀρνός-N3--APM καί-C πρόβατον-N2N-APN εἰς-P πλῆθος-N3E-ASN καί-C καλέω-VAI-AAI3S πᾶς-A3--APM ὁ- A--APM υἱός-N2--APM ὁ- A--GSM βασιλεύς-N3V-GSM καί-C *αβιαθαρ-N---ASM ὁ- A--ASM ἱερεύς-N3V-ASM καί-C *ιωαβ-N---ASM ὁ- A--ASM ἄρχων-N3--ASM ὁ- A--GSF δύναμις-N3I-GSF καί-C ὁ- A--ASM *σαλωμών-N---ASM ὁ- A--ASM δοῦλος-N2--ASM σύ- P--GS οὐ-D καλέω-VAI-AAI3S

კომენტარი ამ ლექსზე  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 19. And that while there is a full appearance of natural good, of innocence, and of charity, with the truths appertaining thereto, therein, yet evil derived from falsity, and the falsity derived from evil have rule, and Divine Good itself appears to be rejected.