καί-C εἰμί-V9--IAI3P ὁ-
A--NPM δύο-M γυμνός-A1--NPM ὅς-
--NSN τε-X *αδαμ-N---NSM καί-C ὁ-
A--NSF γυνή-N3K-NSF αὐτός-
D--GSM καί-C οὐ-D αἰσχύνω-V1I-IMI3P
καί-C εἰμί-V9--IAI3P ὁ-
A--NPM δύο-M γυμνός-A1--NPM ὅς-
--NSN τε-X *αδαμ-N---NSM καί-C ὁ-
A--NSF γυνή-N3K-NSF αὐτός-
D--GSM καί-C οὐ-D αἰσχύνω-V1I-IMI3P
By Brian David
Despite their lowered spiritual state, the people represented by the man and wife were still celestial, still in a state of love to the Lord. The idea of nakedness represents their innocence, and the lack of shame means that they were still untouched by evil.
There's also a more intricate meaning of "naked." Clothing represents true ideas that are held in the memory; most of us "wear" such ideas to protect ourselves and to keep people from seeing our evil loves. Celestial people, however, have an understanding of what is true which arises from the love they have in their hearts, and do not need to hold true ideas in their memories. This is also represented by the fact that the man and wife were naked.
©2025 New Christian Bible Study Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed from newchristianbiblestudy.org
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