गिनती 6:19



19 फिर जब नाज़ीर अपने न्यारे रहने के चिन्ह वाले सिर को मुण्डा चुके तब याजक मेढ़े को पकाया हुआ कन्धा, और टोकरी में से एक अखमीरी रोटी, और एक अखमीरी पपड़ी ले कर नाज़ीर के हाथों पर धर दे,

이 구절에 대한 주석  

작가: Henry MacLagan

Verse 19. For all the power of spiritual or internal good by which he had fought against evil, and all the good interior and external, which had supported him in the conflict, had been from celestial love; and this becomes fully manifest when the warfare is ended, and the former natural man is separated.