신명기 3:16



16 르우벤 자손과, 갓 자손에게는 길르앗에서부터 아르논 골짜기까지 주었으되 그 골짜기의 중앙으로 지경을 정하였으니 곧 암몬 자손의 지경 얍복강까지며

이 구절에 대한 주석  

작가: Alexander Payne

Verse 16. And the natural mind from the pleasure in doing good, into which man is first initiated when he becomes regenerate (Gilead), to the first perceptions of spiritual truth conjoined thereto in external things, comes under the dominion of true faith in the Lord and works thence derived, even to the first insinuation of spiritual truth into good (Jabbok), which is the boundary between external and internal religion.