Tai bus jums poilsio sabatas, kurio metu varginsite savo sielas. Nuo devintos mėnesio dienos vakaro iki kito vakaro švęsite sabatą”.
Tai bus jums poilsio sabatas, kurio metu varginsite savo sielas. Nuo devintos mėnesio dienos vakaro iki kito vakaro švęsite sabatą”.
작가: Henry MacLagan
Verse 32. And in this state there is a foretaste of heavenly rest and peace, and the sincere acknowledgement that man of himself is nothing but evil; and this is effected when the conjunction of faith with charity is about to take place in the obscurity arising out of a change from a former state to a new state; for states of obscurity must precede states of rest and peace in the Lord.
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