Matthew 14:23



23 After he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain by himself to pray. When evening had come, he was there alone.

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작가: Brian David

"St. Peter Walking on the Water" by Allesandro Allori

This verse is like a rare treasured glimpse into the inner life of Jesus, going up a mountain by himself to pray, presumably over the death of John the Baptist. You can feel his sadness, even in the literal language.

The internal meaning reflects much of the same. By sending the multitudes away, Jesus was creating a separation from the crowd of intellectual concepts they represent. Going up to a mountain means rising up to a spiritual state of perfect love, and praying means revealing His own inmost loves and intentions – thinking about what had to be done for the salvation of humankind.

Evening represents a state of judgment, or the ending of a church, and the fact that He was alone means he was free of evil desires and false thoughts.