Du Ciel et de L'Enfer (Le Boys des Guays)

다음의 번역 텍스트입니다: De Coelo et de Inferno by Swedenborg, Emanuel

다음과 같이 번역됨 Français


Do we go anywhere when we die? In "Heaven and Hell", Swedenborg describes the spiritual world as a real "place" that operates on a different plane from the natural world. In it there are three main states - a place where we gradually lose our ability to hide our real loves and where we sort ourselves into those who have good loves as their ruling love and those who are primarily selfish. Good people gravitate to communities where there are like-minded people and so do evil people - forming heavenly societies and hellish ones. It's a fascinating account and even religious skeptics will find some food for thought.

해당 번역본에 대하여:

Allons-nous quelque part quand nous mourons ? Swedenborg décrit le monde spirituel comme un véritable "lieu" qui fonctionne sur un plan différent du monde physique.

날짜: 1850

크레딧: Thanks to the New Church clergy and their congregations in Francophone West Africa for providing scanned and corrected typescript of the Le Boys des Guays translation.

저작권: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

The New Christian Bible Study Project has corrected and updated this translation. All rights reserved.

라이센스: Used with permission - 이용약관 참조

출처: http://www.egnj.net

추천 인용:

Du Ciel et de L'Enfer. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
