2 βασιλιάδες 1:9



9 Τοτε απεστειλεν ο βασιλευς προς αυτον πεντηκονταρχον μετα των πεντηκοντα αυτου. Και ανεβη προς αυτον· και ιδου, εκαθητο επι της κορυφης του ορους. Και ειπε προς αυτον, Ανθρωπε του Θεου, ο βασιλευς ειπε, Καταβα.

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 9. But the corrupted man is opposed to Divine Truth, as to his will, with its governing principle of self-love and the totality of falsities subordinate thereto, which are aroused by opposition, and Divine Truth is firmly established in Divine Love, the corrupted man, nevertheless, desiring its degradation.