Melachim A 18:36



36 ויהי בעלות המנחה ויגש אליהו הנביא ויאמר יהוה אלהי אברהם יצחק וישראל היום יודע כי אתה אלהים בישראל ואני עבדך ובדבריך עשיתי את כל הדברים האלה׃

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 36. And it therefore follows that, in the process of judgment, when the real quality of man's life is made known and manifested, there is with the good, as well as with the wicked, a nearer approach of Divine Truth, and thus an opening of the Word, disclosing the whole process of the Lord's Glorification, as to celestial things, as to spiritual things, and as to natural things; and thus as to the essential truths, that the Divine Human alone is to be worshipped; that the Word is Divine; and that the Glorification of the Lord, as well as the regeneration of man, is according to the Word and by means of the Word.