列王記上 18:12



12 しかしわたしがあなたを離れて行くと、主の霊はあなたを、わたしの知らない所へ連れて行くでしょう。わたしが行ってアハブに告げ、彼があなたを見つけることができなければ、彼はわたしを殺すでしょう。しかし、しもべは幼い時から恐れている者です。

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 12. And they fear that, when, separated from the truth and in their state of desolation, they attempt to announce it, its essential life will appear wanting to them, and that it will not appear to the understanding of the corrupted church; so that, consequently, good will be rejected; when yet a state of good derived from truth confirmed, is the saving principle in the church, producing obedience in its successive development.