1 Kings 1:49



49 καί-C ἐκἵστημι-VHI-AAI3P καί-C ἐκ ἀναἵστημι-VHI-AAI3P πᾶς-A3--NPM ὁ- A--NPM κλητός-A1--NPM ὁ- A--GSM *αδωνίας-N1T-GSM καί-C ἀποἔρχομαι-VBI-AAI3P ἀνήρ-N3--NSM εἰς-P ὁ- A--ASF ὁδός-N2--ASF αὐτός- D--GSM

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 49. On this account falsities derived from evil, which favour self-love, or the evil spirits, who are in those falsities, and tempt mankind, come into a state of fear, and are dispersed, each walking in the way of his own love.