4я Царств 2:4



4 І сказав йому Ілля: Єлисею, сиди тут, бо Господь послав мене до Єрихону. Та той відказав: Як живий Господь і жива душа твоя, я не залишу тебе! І прийшли вони до Єрихону.

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 4. Again the genuine truth of the Word teaches, that if man is in a state of faith, he should not descend therefrom to a state of the knowledges of faith merely, although the tendency of a declining church is to do this. But still, since all life is from the Lord by the conjunction of good and truth, the state of the man of the church as to knowledges is according to his state as to good, and hence if there is a descent as to good— in this case the good of truth, or faith—there must also be a descent as to knowledge.