4я Царств 25:17



17 Вісімнадцять ліктів високість одного стовпа й одна мідяна маковиця, а високість маковиці три лікті, та мережка, і гранатові яблука на маковиці навколо, усе мідь. І для другого стовпа з мережкою так само.

Commentarius in hunc versum  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 17. But the quality of the Lord's glorified human life, and also the quality of the regenerated life of man, in the natural degree, is that of good acquired by a full course of temptations; and the inmost good of this natural degree is perfect, with its scientifics of truth and good in adjunction, even of natural good; and what is true of the will is also true of the understanding of the natural degree as to internal and external life,