Haec est translatio: Experientiae Spirituales (Minor), per Swedenborg, Emanuel.
Opus originale ab auctore suo non editum est.
Interpretatio in English
This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam. It starts at section number 4545, and extends to 4792.
De hac translatione:
This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam.
Dies creationis: 1902
Prolatio: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.
Jus exemplaris: Swedenborg Society
All rights reserved by the publisher.
Potestas: Used with permission - Conditiones manifestae:
De: This is a translation of Swedenborg's personal record of some of his spiritual experiences.
Ablatum: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk