Spiritual Experiences (Interim Diary) (Odhner translation)

Це переклад: Experientiae Spirituales (Minor), Swedenborg, Emanuel

Оригінальний твір не був опублікований його автором.

Перекладено на English


This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam.

Про цей переклад:

This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam.

Дата створення: 1902

Кредит: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Авторське право: Swedenborg Society

All rights reserved by the publisher.

Ліцензія: Used with permission - див. умови

Про: This is a translation of Swedenborg's personal record of some of his spiritual experiences.

Отримано з: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk

Рекомендована цитата:

Spiritual Experiences (Interim Diary). [Written in 1751, not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
