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6 저희가 고하되 `한 사람이 올라와서 우리를 만나 이르되 너희는 너희를 보낸 왕에게로 돌아가서 저에게 고하기를 여호와의 말씀이 이스라엘에 하나님이 없어서 네가 에그론의 신 바알세붑에게 물으려고 보내느냐 그러므로 네가 올라간 침상에서 내려오지 못할지라 네가 반드시 죽으리라 하셨다 하라 하더이다'

Komentar ovog Stih  

Po Henry MacLagan

Verse 6. And thence he perceives that it is opposed to his own falsities, which falsities appertain to the doctrine of faith without charity, while Divine Truth from the Word teaches that salvation ought to be sought for in the genuine good and truth of the Word, and not in the extreme evils and falsities of faith alone which is barren and desolate, the latter course inevitably producing the conjunction of falsity with evil and consequently spiritual death or vastation as to the good and the true.