Melachim A 17:1



1 ויאמר אליהו התשבי מתשבי גלעד אל אחאב חי יהוה אלהי ישראל אשר עמדתי לפניו אם יהיה השנים האלה טל ומטר כי אם לפי דברי׃

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Од страна на Henry MacLagan

Verse 1. The Word of the Lord—as to the acknowledgment that He is Divine Truth united to Divine Good, leading the souls of men, drawing them to Himself, and dwelling in them; and also as accommodated to those who are in the beginning of regeneration—is opposed to the vastated church, testifying that the Lord is Life Itself; that all truth, or the whole Word, is from Him; and that, in its state of vastation, the church cannot receive either interior truth with its peace and innocence, or exterior truth.