1 Kings 22:26



26 καί-C εἶπον-VBI-AAI3S ὁ- A--NSM βασιλεύς-N3V-NSM *ἰσραήλ-N---GSM λαμβάνω-VB--AAD2P ὁ- A--ASM *μιχαιας-N1T-ASM καί-C ἀποστρέφω-VA--AAD2P αὐτός- D--ASM πρός-P *εμηρ-N---ASM ὁ- A--ASM ἄρχων-N3--ASM ὁ- A--GSF πόλις-N3I-GSF καί-C ὁ- A--DSM *ιωας-N---DSM υἱός-N2--DSM ὁ- A--GSM βασιλεύς-N3V-GSM

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Од страна на Henry MacLagan

Verse 26. But, in the meantime, the corrupted spiritual man, or church, deprives genuine truth, or the man of the church, who is in genuine truth, of its freedom, by means of the confirmation of false doctrine, and the delusions of the evil derived from self-love;