1 Kings 22:4



4 καί-C εἶπον-VBI-AAI3S βασιλεύς-N3V-NSM *ἰσραήλ-N---GSM πρός-P *ιωσαφατ-N---ASM ἀναβαίνω-VZ--AMS2S μετά-P ἐγώ- P--GP εἰς-P *ρεμμαθ-N---ASF *γαλαάδ-N---ASF εἰς-P πόλεμος-N2--ASM καί-C εἶπον-VBI-AAI3S *ιωσαφατ-N---NSM καθώς-D ἐγώ- P--NS οὕτως-D καί-C σύ- P--NS καθώς-D ὁ- A--NSM λαός-N2--NSM ἐγώ- P--GS ὁ- A--NSM λαός-N2--NSM σύ- P--GS καθώς-D ὁ- A--NPM ἵππος-N2--NPM ἐγώ- P--GS ὁ- A--NPM ἵππος-N2--NPM σύ- P--GS

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Од страна на Henry MacLagan

Verse 4. And under the same influence, he desires to engage in conflict with the natural man for the deliverance of the state of simple good; and is, in consequence, externally conjoined with faith from charity, as to good, as to truths, and as to intellectual activity.