1 Kings 22:52



52 καί-C *οχοζιας-N---NSM υἱός-N2--NSM *αχααβ-N---GSM βασιλεύω-VAI-AAI3S ἐπί-P *ἰσραήλ-N---ASM ἐν-P *σαμαρεία-N1A-DSF ἐν-P ἔτος-N3E-DSN ἑπτακαιδέκατος-A1--DSN *ιωσαφατ-N---DSM βασιλεύς-N3V-DSM *ιουδα-N---GSM καί-C βασιλεύω-VAI-AAI3S ἐν-P *ἰσραήλ-N---DSM ἔτος-N3E-APN δύο-M

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Од страна на Henry MacLagan

Verse 51. But the new state, as to the corrupted spiritual church, is a state of the perversion of the perception of truth from good through self-love, by which the celestial-spiritual man endures a course of temptations culminating in a state of holiness, but in which the corrupted man conjoins in himself evil with falsity.