От Матфея 14:29
Коментар на овој стих
Од страна на Brian David
Here we see the intellect (Peter, who represents true ideas that spring from the desire for good), inspired by the ultimate love and goodness (Jesus), leave the safety of its defined doctrine (the ship) and successfully negotiate the turbulent waters of natural facts and ideas (the water). The fact that Peter did it "to go to Jesus" means that this was successful when it was fully fixed on the divine desire for good that Jesus represents.
What does this mean in real terms? It means that it's relatively easy for us to feel confident in our ideas when we're within our own groups, with people who believe the same things we do. But the Lord is bigger than that – He loves everyone, and the concepts that arise from that love are universally true and apply to everyone, whether they're in the "right" doctrinal system or not. If we can keep that ultimate idea in mind – if we can be inspired by the perfection of the Lord's love – our ideas can be similarly universal, beyond the confines of our safe groups of like believers.
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