Postanak 2:24
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Од страна на Brian David
This verse uses "man" in a masculine sense, meaning thoughts and ideas in the intellect. Leaving father and mother means leaving the former state of internal spiritual awareness, and cleaving to his wife means being conjoined instead with the external awareness of life. Being one flesh means that the internal of the man and the external of the wife were together as one in life.
The people of the Most Ancient Church wanted to live from themselves. So the Lord created in them the capacity to feel that, though it meant they had to descend from the spiritual awareness they had enjoyed. But they weren't bad people; they still loved the Lord and wished to be good. They just wanted to feel that they were doing it themselves. By having the man cleave to the wife, the Lord allowed the people's higher internal states to enter into their external lives and be part of that sense of self, so they could indeed love the Lord as if from themselves.
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