Melachim A 10:13



13 והמלך שלמה נתן למלכת שבא את כל חפצה אשר שאלה מלבד אשר נתן לה כיד המלך שלמה ותפן ותלך לארצה היא ועבדיה׃

ഈ വാക്യത്തിന്റെ വ്യാഖ്യാനം  

വഴി Henry MacLagan

Verse 13. For the Divine Life flows down freely even to the natural man, and is appropriated according to the state of the will and of the understanding conjointly; and moreover the Divine Providence is operative in man's behalf independently; while at the same time the Divine Natural, in the Lord, or the regenerated Natural in man, both as to its governing life, and its subordinate powers, and thus the ultimate heaven, enjoys its own life distinctly.