1. Kraljevima 22:17



17 Tada reče: Videh sav narod Izrailjev razasut po planinama kao ovce koje nemaju pastira; jer reče Gospod: Ovi nemaju gospodara; neka se vrate svak svojoj kući s mirom.

ഈ വാക്യത്തിന്റെ വ്യാഖ്യാനം  

വഴി Henry MacLagan

Verse 17. And it is further the dictate of genuine truth concerning the state of the corrupted church, in the judgment, that it is devastated as to the life of genuine charity, because none in that church teach genuine charity. Wherefore it is perceived from Divine Love that good is without truth as a teacher and leader, and yet that everyone in good is distinguished by his own good in which there is peace internally.