3я Царств 21:4



4 І ввійшов Ахав до дому свого незадоволений та гнівний через те слово, яке говорив йому їзреелянин Навот, бо той сказав: Не дам тобі спадщини батьків моїх! І ліг він на ліжку своїм, і відвернув своє обличчя, і не їв хліба.

ഈ വാക്യത്തിന്റെ വ്യാഖ്യാനം  

വഴി Henry MacLagan

Verse 4. For the Old Church is corrupted by self-love, and is separated, from the new by the gravity of its evils and the insanity of its falsities, which are excited by the sphere of the New Church, because it is impossible that the church which is from the Lord can be in harmony with self-love. Wherefore the corrupted church abides in its own doctrine; its interiors are turned away from the Lord, and it cannot be nourished by heavenly good,