

Commentary on Revelation 1

By Bradley Sheahan, New Christian Bible Study Staff

A Summary of the Book of Revelation

The Book of the Revelation was written near the end of the first century by the Apostle John. John died of natural causes in AD 100, and he was born in AD 6, so at the time of his receiving and writing this revelation, he was an elderly man, probably in his 70’s to 80’s. The Roman Emperor Domitian, clamping down on the growing Christian movement, had exiled John to the isle of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea. It's there, that "in the spirit on the Lord's day", an angel is sent to John, and he sees the great visions of events in heaven that he describes in 22 chapters in the Book of Revelation.

The explanations in this commentary are drawn from Emanuel Swedenborg's exegetical work, "Apocalypse Revealed" (published in Latin in 1766) and later translated into English by John Whitehead, and re-printed in 2009 by the Swedenborg Foundation. The Scripture passages used in the original Latin work were largely drawn from Sebastian Schmidt's Latin Bible from 1696, and other Bibles in his personal library. Swedenborg was a scholar of Hebrew and Greek, and in some places used his own translations some of the scriptural passages from biblical Hebrew and Greek to better express the spiritual significations of the words in the original languages.

Synopsis of Revelation Chapter 1

The first chapter of Revelation tells the story of how John is chosen by God to write a book that can be used to enlighten people who are seeking his Divine truth and wisdom. John tells us how his spiritual eyes are opened, so that he can see things that are happening in heaven at that time (in the first century BC) and that will happen in the future. Overall, it's a prophecy regarding the changing spiritual states of the Christian Church -- the false doctrines that will grow up within it, and the spiritual battles that will take place as the Lord's genuine truth and love eventually win out over falsity and evil.

The stories in Revelation aren't just about events in heaven, either, or about the spiritual trials of the Christian church. They're personal, too. We have to seek help from the Lord to fight the dragons and beasts in our lives. It is from the Word that we can be enlightened. God tells John (and us) that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Only God can lead us away from hell and into heaven.

In the chapters to come the Lord will reveal our various states and what we must do to find eternal life with him in Heaven. To people who have genuinely loved the Lord, and who have been spiritually reborn, John encourages them to have patience in the Lord, that a new church is coming and it will be based on his Divine truths.

Revelation Chapter 1 - Verse by verse commentary

Chapter 1 opens with a statement or introduction from John, that the things in this book were revealed to him by our Lord Jesus Christ. He says that people who are in faith to the Lord, and in charity to their fellow man, will benefit from what is revealed in this book. Further, it goes on to say that the church in this world will reach a state sometime in the future, where it will lose its connection to God and will come to an end. For those who have received the Divine truth from the Word, thus from the Lord, and who believe that the Lord’s human became Divine, they will receive enlightenment from what the Book of Revelation reveals. Too, for people who live in spirit and are thus in communion with the angels in heaven, and who live according to the Divine truths revealed in the Word, you should know that the current church in this world cannot endure much longer. These things were revealed in the first three verses of this chapter, and are basically John’s way of leading us to what lies ahead. Verses four and beyond will begin an explanation of John’s vision from the Lord.

Revelation 1:4 starts with John hearing the Lord's messages that address the seven Christian churches of Asia. The use of the number seven indicates that this message actually applies everyone in the Christian world, for the number seven signifies all. (See Apocalypse Revealed 10).

The message is addressed to those who are in Asia. This signifies people who are in the light of truth from the Word. The east is where the sun rises, thus bringing light and warmth to the world. It represents the a place where we can see the Lord's truth. Asia is to the east of Jerusalem, and in the Word, it usually represents a place where truth is known. (See Apocalypse Revealed 11).

In verse 4, John indicates that the vision is being given to him from our Lord Jesus Christ, who is divine truth itself. Being the first born from the dead indicates that he, as to his divine human, is the truth itself, united to divine good, and that from him all men will live who are, in themselves, spiritually dead. (See Apocalypse Revealed 17). The Lord is the one who loves us, who leads us, who washes us of our sins, and regenerates us (rebirth) to purify us from our sins and evils.

Verse 6 indicates that the Lord, who leads us to rebirth by filling us with his Divine wisdom and love, leads us to Heaven, either here in this world or after death as we enter into the eternal realm. To be made a king is to be filled with wisdom, and to be made a priest means to be filled with love from the Lord. (See Apocalypse Revealed 20) It is the Lord who leads us, for he has all the wisdom, all the love, and all the power, to overcome evil for all of eternity.

Verse 7 indicates that at the time of the end of the Christian Church, the Lord will make himself known by opening up the spiritual understanding of the Word. In this way, he will remove the clouds from understanding and let the light of spiritual understanding shine through. (See Apocalypse Revealed 24.) At that time there will also be a realization of the falsities that the church is propagating when the truths and goods have been lost.(See Apocalypse Revealed 27.) When a church comes to its end, the Lord will always raise up a new Church, and this will be revealed in the coming chapters.

In verse 8 the Lord is saying, through John and to us, that he is the way, the truth, and the life for all of eternity. (See Apocalypse Revealed 29.) When we lose our way, as indicated of the Christian Church, he is the one we need to turn to as he provides everything we need, and has all the power to lead us away from our evil ways and guide us into heaven. It is his truths, his goodness, and his love that we need to seek and to convey.

In verse 9, John is saying to us, his brethren (those in good that comes from loving the neighbor), and their companions (people who are in truths of faith), that the church is becoming afflicted (infested by evils and falsity). As we wait patiently for the Lord to come and remove this affliction, John was being prepared to be enlightened as to the Divine truths of the Word and reveal the Divine human story of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In verse 10, John tells of how his Spiritual Mind was opened so that he could hear and see things in the Heavenly realm, and be in the presence of God - when the voice of God comes to him as in the sound of a trumpet.

In verse 11, God tells John that he is the All, the Beginning, the Ending, the First, the Last, the Infinite, so that what John sees and hears he knows is from the Divine. God tells him to write this book (later called Revelation) and to send it to the various churches that they may know what is to come. Each church represents different levels of perception and understanding - similar to the usage in other parts of the Word when places or towns or countries are mentioned.

Verse 12 signifies that as we turn to the Lord, and as we live a life as he taught us - to Love God, love our neighbor, to be kind and generous to all whom we meet, we will be enlightened from the Lord through his Word. The seven golden lampstands (again seven meaning all) signify enlightenment from a new church that will come from the Lord. (See Apocalypse Revealed 43.)

In verse 13, as mentioned in the verse above, the lampstands signify the Lord’s Church. The foundation, or what is in the midst of that church, is the Lord’s Word, and the Word proceeds from the Divine which is the Lord himself who reveals himself as we learn from his Word.

Verse 14 describes how the Lord appears to John, in his vision of heaven. His head and hair were as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire, indicating that he is divine wisdom and love, whose eyes reveal the All of intelligence because it comes from divine wisdom and love. (See Apocalypse Revealed 47.)

Verse 15 continues the prior verse, describing the Lord’s feet as being like fine brass. This symbolizes the divine nature of the Lord, for while in this world, he walked the path of divine goodness and love and overcame all evils and temptations of this world. (See Apocalypse Revealed 49.) In describing his voice, John says that it was the voice of many waters. Waters signify truths, and here, that the Lord is divine truth itself. (See Apocalypse Revealed 50.)

In verse 16, the Lord is revealing himself to John - and to us - through the Word. He is the bearer of all the knowledge of good and truth, and from his mouth, thus from the Word, he spoke the words of truth and goodness. These are to be used to dispel evil and falsity. The shining of the Lord's face reveals his essence as the light and warmth of divine wisdom and love. (See Apocalypse Revealed 53.)

In verse 17 John comes face to face with the Lord. He feels his unworthiness to be in the presence of the Almighty Eternal God. He falls at the feet of the Lord as if lifeless, from his own sinfulness. The Lord then touches him with his right hand saying, “Fear not” and as John feels the presence of the divine love. He listens to what the Lord is telling him, about what will follow.

In verse 18 the Lord tells John that he is the God who lives to eternity, who was or is rejected by the world, but who holds the keys to life. His divine plan, his hope, is to lead man away from hell and death and bring him into the loving kingdom of heaven.

Then, in Verse 19, the Lord tells John to write down what he sees, and that the things he will reveal are for the whole world, so we can use them to help us find salvation.

In the last verse of this chapter the Lord is saying that a new church will be established in Heaven and that from it a new church be established on earth.

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Revealed #49

Study this Passage

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49. His feet were like fine brass, as though fired in a furnace. (1:15) This symbolizes natural Divine good.

The Lord's feet symbolize His natural Divinity. Fire or being fired symbolizes goodness. And fine brass symbolizes the natural goodness of truth. Consequently the feet of the Son of Man like fine brass, as though fired in a furnace, symbolize natural Divine good.

His feet have this symbolic meaning because of their correspondence.

Present in the Lord, and so emanating from the Lord, are a celestial Divinity, a spiritual Divinity, and a natural Divinity. His celestial Divinity is meant by the head of the Son of Man; His spiritual Divinity by His eyes and by His breast girded with a golden girdle; and His natural Divinity by His feet.

[2] Because these three elements are present in the Lord, therefore the same three are also present in the angelic heaven. The third or highest heaven exists on the celestial Divine level, the second or middle heaven on the spiritual Divine level, and the first or lowest heaven on the natural Divine level. The like is the case with the church on earth. For the whole of heaven is, in the Lord's sight, like a single person, in which those who are governed by the Lord's celestial Divinity form the head, and those who are governed by His spiritual Divinity form the trunk, while those who are governed by His natural Divinity form the feet.

For this reason, too, every person, having been created in the image of God, has in him the same three degrees, and as they are opened he becomes an angel either of the third heaven, or of the second, or of the last.

It is owing to this also that the Word contains three levels of meaning - a celestial one, a spiritual one, and a natural one.

The reality of this may be seen in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom, particularly in Part Three, in which we discussed these three degrees.

To be shown that feet, the soles of the feet, and heels correspond to natural attributes in people, and that in the Word, therefore, they symbolize natural attributes, see in Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), published in London, nos. 2162 and 4938-4952.

[3] Natural Divine good is also symbolically meant by feet in the following passages. In Daniel:

I lifted my eyes and looked; behold, a... man clothed in linen garments, whose loins were girded with the gold of Uphaz! And his body was like beryl, and... his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and his feet like the sheen of burnished bronze. (Daniel 10:5-6)

In the book of Revelation:

I saw... an angel coming down from heaven, ...his feet like pillars of fire. (Revelation 10:1)

And in Ezekiel:

(The feet of the cherubim) sparkled like the sheen of burnished bronze. (Ezekiel 1:7)

Angels and cherubim so appeared for the reason that the Lord's Divinity was represented in them.

[4] Since the Lord's church exists below the heavens, thus under the Lord's feet, it is therefore called His footstool in the following places:

The glory of Lebanon shall come to you..., to beautify the place of My sanctuary; ...I will make the place of My feet honorable. And... they shall bow themselves at the soles of your feet. (Isaiah 60:13-14)

Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. (Isaiah 66:1)

(God) does not remember His footstool in the day of His anger. (Lamentations 2:1)

...worship (Jehovah) in the direction of His footstool. (Psalms 99:5)

Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah (Bethlehem).... We will go into His dwelling places, we will bow ourselves at His footstool. (Psalms 132:6-7)

That is why worshipers fell at the Lord's feet (Matthew 28:9, Mark 5:22, Luke 8:41, John 11:32), and why they kissed His feet and wiped them with their hair (Luke 7:37-38, 44-46, John 11:2; 12:3).

[5] Because feet symbolize the natural self, therefore the Lord said to Peter, when He washed Peter's feet,

He who is washed needs only to have his feet washed, and he is completely clean. (John 13:10)

To wash the feet is to purify the natural self. When it has been purified, the whole self also is purified, as we showed many times in Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), and in The Doctrines of the New Jerusalem. 1 The natural self, which is also the outer self, is purified when it refrains from the evils which the spiritual or inner self sees to be evils and ones to be shunned.

[6] Now because the feet mean the natural component of a person, and this perverts everything if it is not washed or purified, therefore the Lord says,

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than to have two feet and be cast into hell, into the unquenchable fire... (Mark 9:45)

The foot here does not mean the foot, but the natural self.

The like is meant by treading down the good pasture with the feet and troubling waters with the feet (Ezekiel 32:2; 34:18-19, Daniel 7:7, 19, and elsewhere).

[7] Since the Son of Man means the Lord in relation to the Word, it is apparent that His feet mean the Word in its natural sense as well, which we dealt with at length in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, and also that the Lord came into the world to fulfill everything in the Word and to become thereby an embodiment of the Word, even in its outmost expressions (The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 98-100). But this is a secret for people who will be in the New Jerusalem.

[8] The Lord's natural Divinity was also symbolized by the bronze serpent that Moses was commanded to set up in the wilderness, so that all who had been bitten by serpents were healed by looking at it (Numbers 21:6, 8-9). That this symbolized the Lord's natural Divinity, and that those people are saved who look to it, the Lord Himself teaches in John:

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15)

The serpent was made of bronze because bronze, like fine brass, symbolizes the natural self in respect to good, as may be seen in no. 775 below.


1. Perhaps The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord, The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem, and The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding Faith (Amsterdam, 1763). But perhaps The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (London, 1758).

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

The Bible


Numbers 21:6



6 Yahweh sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many people of Israel died.