From Swedenborg's Works


Secrets of Heaven #2760

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2760. Preface

WHEN people stay with Scripture’s literal meaning alone and do not seek out an inner meaning from other passages in the Word to explain it, they are delusional. The extent of their delusion can be plainly seen from the number of heresies that exist, each of which uses the Word’s literal meaning to prove its own dogma. Consider especially the major heresy generated by self-love and materialism (in all their insanity and hellishness) on the basis of the Lord’s words to Peter:

"I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail over it. And I will give you the keys to the kingdom of the heavens; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in the heavens, and whatever you unbind on earth will be unbound in the heavens." (Matthew 16:15, 16, 17, 18, 19)

[2] People who stress the literal meaning think that these words have to do with Peter and that he was personally given this immense power. Yet they know that Peter lived an extremely simple life, that he never exercised this kind of power, and that to do so would be an assault on God’s divinity. Even so, self-love and materialism in all their insanity and hellishness prompt them to claim for themselves the highest power on earth and in heaven, and to make themselves gods. They therefore interpret the passage according to its literal meaning and vehemently defend their interpretation. In reality, the inner meaning of the words is that true faith in the Lord has this power (and such faith exists only in people who love the Lord and show kindness to their neighbor). Even at that, it is not faith but the Lord, the source of faith, who has the power. The rock here means this faith, just as it does everywhere else in the Word. It is on this rock that the church is built, and against it the gates of hell cannot prevail. Faith in the Lord has the keys to the kingdom of the heavens. It closes heaven to keep out evil and falsity, and it opens heaven to what is good and true. That is the inner meaning of the words.

[3] Like the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles actually represented all aspects of faith in the Lord (§§577, 2089, 2129, 2130 at the end). Peter represented faith itself; James represented neighborly love; and John represented the good done by neighborly love (see the preface to Genesis 18). Their representation resembled that of Reuben, Simeon, and Levi (Jacob’s first children in the representative Jewish and Israelite religion), as can be seen from a thousand places in the Word. The words above were addressed to Peter because he presented an image of faith.

This shows what thick darkness people plunge into—dragging others with them—by interpreting everything literally, as we see from this declaration to Peter, which they use in denying the Lord the power to save the human race and usurping it for themselves.

2760. 2 In John - in the Book of Revelation - the Word as to its internal sense is described as follows,

I saw heaven standing open, and, behold, a White Horse; and He who sat on it was called faithful and true, and in righteousness He judges and goes into battle. His eyes a flame of fire, and on His head many jewels, He has a name written which nobody knows but He Himself, and He is clothed in a garment dyed with blood, and His name is called the Word of God. And the armies that are in heaven were following Him on white horses and were clothed in linen, white and clean. And on His garment and on His thigh He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. Revelation 19:11-14, 16.

What each individual part of this description embodies nobody can know except from the internal sense. Plainly, each one is representative and carries a spiritual meaning, such as 'heaven standing open'; 'the horse which was white'; 'He who sat on it was called faithful and true, and in righteousness He judges and goes into battle'; 'His eyes a flame of fire'; 'on His head many jewels'; 'He has a name which nobody knows but He Himself'; 'He is clothed in a garment dyed with blood'; 'the armies in heaven following Him on white horses'; 'clothed in linen, white and clean'; 'on His garment and on His thigh He has a name written'. It is stated openly that the One sitting on the White Horse is the Word, and that He is the Lord who is the Word, for it is said, 'His name is called the Word of God', and after that, 'on His garment and on His thigh He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords'.

[2] From the interpretation of each individual expression it is evident that the Word as to the internal sense is described here. 'Heaven standing open' represents and means that the internal sense of the Word is not seen except in heaven and by those to whom heaven stands open, that is, those in whom love to the Lord and faith in Him-derived from that love are present. 'The horse which was white' represents and means the understanding of the Word as regards its interior contents. The next paragraph shows that 'a white horse' has this representation and meaning. 'He who sat on it' is, it is clear, the Word and the Lord who is the Word. He is called 'faithful' and 'one who judges out of righteousness' by virtue of good, and 'true' and 'one who goes into battle out of righteousness' by virtue of truth; for the Lord Himself is righteousness. 'His eyes a flame of fire' means Divine Truth glowing from the Divine Good that issues from His Divine Love. 'On His head many jewels' means all things of faith. 'He has a name written which nobody knows but He Himself' means that nobody sees the essential nature of the Word in the internal sense except the Lord Himself and he to whom He reveals it. 'Clothed in a garment dyed with blood' means the Word in the letter. 'The armies in heaven that were following Him on white horses' means people who have an understanding of the Word as regards its interior contents. 'Clothed in linen, white and clean' means that in these same persons love and faith derived from love are present. 'On His garment and on His thigh a name written' means truth and good. From these verses in Revelation and from those which come before and after them it is evident that around the last period [of the Church] the internal sense of the Word will be opened. But what is going to happen in that last period is also described in verses 17-21 of that chapter.


2. The preface to the third volume of the Latin edition has been included here in section 2760. The text of section 2760, as Swedenborg numbered it, starts where this footnote has been inserted.

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Many thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation and its New Century Edition team.

From Swedenborg's Works


Secrets of Heaven #2090

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2090. And I will turn him into a great nation symbolizes the enjoyment, and increase, of what is good. This is established by the symbolism of nations as what is good (discussed in §§1159, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1416, 1849 of volume 2). So turning someone into a great nation means both the enjoyment of what is good and increases in goodness.

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Many thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation and its New Century Edition team.

From Swedenborg's Works


Secrets of Heaven #2130

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2130. To turn to an explanation of the other picture of the Last Judgment, the one good spirits face when they are being let into heaven, let me report the following:

The Word says that a door was closed so that people could not be let in any longer [Matthew 25:1-13]. It says that their oil ran out, that they came too late, and that for this reason they would not be admitted. These images too symbolize conditions at the Last Judgment. The implications and the way to understand it all were shown to me.

[2] I heard whole societies of spirits, one after another, saying in a clear voice that the wolf had wanted to carry them off but the Lord had rescued them, so that they were restored to him, for which they rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts. They had been in despair and consequently in fear, thinking that the door would shut, that they had come too late to be allowed in. Spirits referred to as wolves had instilled this thought into them, but it evaporated when they did get in, or in other words, when they were accepted by angelic communities. That is all that entry into heaven is.

I seemed to see societies being let in, one after another, until there were twelve. The twelfth had a harder time getting in, or being accepted, than the first eleven. Afterward, what appeared to be eight more societies were also admitted, and I was informed that they were made up of women.

After watching, I was told that this is what the process of entry (acceptance into heavenly communities) looks like. I learned that it goes on constantly, as newcomers go in order from one location to the next. Heaven will never, ever fill up completely, nor will the door be closed. The more numerous the arrivals, the more of a blessing and a joy it is to the inhabitants of heaven, since it strengthens their unity.

[3] After these spirits had entered, it did seem as though heaven closed, because there were others who then wanted to be allowed in too, or accepted, but were told they could not enter now. That is what is symbolized by their late arrival, the shutting of the door, their knocking on it, and the lack of oil in their lamps. The reason they were not let in was that they were not yet ready to participate in angelic communities, where love is shared with all. As noted above at the end of §2119, the Lord gradually raises people into heaven if their life in the world was one of charity for their neighbor.

[4] There was yet another group of spirits, who had no idea what heaven was or that it consisted in shared love and who also wanted to be let into heaven immediately. Their thought was that it is just a matter of getting in. The answer they received, however, was that it was not the right time for them yet, that they would be allowed in another time, when they were ready.

The reason I saw twelve societies was that twelve symbolizes all aspects of faith, as noted above near the end of §2129.

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Many thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation and its New Century Edition team.