2 Koningen 2:2



2 En Elia zeide tot Elisa: Blijf toch hier, want de HEERE heeft mij naar Beth-El gezonden. Maar Elisa zeide: Zo waarachtig als de HEERE leeft en uw ziel leeft ik zal u niet verlaten! Alzo gingen zij af naar Beth-El.

Commentaar op dit vers  

Door Henry MacLagan

Verse 2. But the genuine truth of the Word teaches that man, or the church generally, should not recede from an internal to an external state, or from a state of charity to a state of faith, although this is the tendency of a declining church. And yet, because all life is from Divine Good conjoined to Divine Truth, the state of the man of the church as to truth is according to his state as to good, and hence, if there is a descent as to good, there must also be a descent as to truth.