Deuteronomy 34:11



11 εν-P πας-A3--DPN ο- A--DPN σημειον-N2N-DPN και-C τερας-N3T-DPN ος- --ASM αποστελλω-VAI-AAI3S αυτος- D--ASM κυριος-N2--NSM ποιεω-VA--AAN αυτος- D--APN εν-P γη-N1--DSF *αιγυπτος-N2--DSF *φαραω-N---DSM και-C ο- A--DPM θεραπων-N3--DPM αυτος- D--GSM και-C πας-A1S-DSF ο- A--DSF γη-N1--DSF αυτος- D--GSM

Commentaar op dit vers  

Door Alexander Payne

Verse 11. In all the clear evidence both to the affections and understanding which the Lord gives by it to the natural mind, to the destruction of the false principles which reigned in the unregenerate heart; and of all the false theories which support, and the states of mind which favour them,