5 Mosebog 2:12



12 I Se'ir boede derimod fordum Horiterne, som Esaus Sønner drev bort og udryddede foran sig, hvorefter de bosatte sig der i deres Sted, ligesom Israel gjorde ved sit Ejendomsland, som HERREN gav dem.

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Por Alexander Payne

Verse 12. The persuasions of falsity arising from self-love and other unbridled passions also occupied the will part of the mind originally, but were succeeded by the natural good proceeding from external motives when it had destroyed those evils and taken their place in the mind, as spiritual influences from heaven are finally enabled to drive out evils from the interiors of the soul, in which the Lord has ordained they should have dominion, if the regenerating soul will open the mind to receive them.

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University