Melachim A 17:12



12 ותאמר חי יהוה אלהיך אם יש לי מעוג כי אם מלא כף קמח בכד ומעט שמן בצפחת והנני מקששת שנים עצים ובאתי ועשיתיהו לי ולבני ואכלנהו ומתנו׃

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Por Henry MacLagan

Verse 12. But it is perceived by those in good and who desire truth, not only that all life is from the Lord, with whom is the union of good and truth, but also that they themselves have not, as yet, the conjunction of good and truth, but only the remains of truth and love in their receptacles in the mind; also that they are striving after this conjunction, although it is in the good of merit, in order that good and truth may be realized internally, and appropriated externally in their regeneration. Otherwise the soul perishes.