レビ記 10:6



6 モーセはまたアロンおよびその子エレアザルとイタマルとに言った、「あなたがたは髪の毛を乱し、また衣服を裂いてはならない。あなたがたが死ぬことのないため、また主の怒りが、すべての会衆に及ぶことのないためである。ただし、あなたがたの兄弟イスラエルのは、が火をもって焼き滅ぼしたもうたことを嘆いてもよい。

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Por Henry MacLagan

Verse 6. Also it is perceived by those who are in celestial and spiritual good and truth in the church, that the removal of profane worship, which outwardly appears holy, pr the removal of mere representative worship, ought not to cause mourning either inwardly or outwardly lest the separation of the External from the Internal should take place, and aversion from the Lord should follow; but nevertheless, those in the external church, are permitted to grieve on account of the loss, apparently, of true worship.